Othmane Sebbouh

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  1. Structured Transforms Across Spaces with Cost-Regularized Optimal Transport
    Othmane Sebbouh, Marco Cuturi, Gabriel Peyré
    AISTATS 2024proceedingspreprint
  2. Unified analysis of stochastic gradient methods for composite convex and smooth optimization
    Ahmed Khaled, Othmane Sebbouh, Nicolas Loizou, Robert M. Gower, Peter Richtárik
    JOTA 2023articlepreprint
  3. Randomized Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent
    Othmane Sebbouh, Marco Cuturi, Gabriel Peyré
    AISTATS 2022proceedingspreprint
  4. Almost sure convergence rates for Stochastic Gradient Descent and Stochastic Heavy Ball
    Othmane Sebbouh, Robert M. Gower and Aaron Defazio
    COLT 2021proceedingspreprint
  5. SGD for structured nonconvex functions: Learning rates, minibatching and interpolation
    Robert M. Gower, Othmane Sebbouh and Nicolas Loizou
    AISTATS 2021proceedingspreprint
  6. Convergence Rates of Damped Inertial Dynamics under Geometric Conditions and Perturbations
    Othmane Sebbouh, Aude Rondepierre and Charles Dossal
    SIOPT 2020articlearXiv
  7. On the Convergence of the Stochastic Heavy Ball Method
    Othmane Sebbouh, Robert M. Gower and Aaron Defazio
    arXiv preprint
  8. Towards closing the gap between the theory and practice of SVRG
    Othmane Sebbouh, Nidham Gazagnadou, Samy Jelassi, Francis Bach and Robert M. Gower
    Neurips 2019proceedingsarXiv